What ambitions do you have for your business? Are you looking for financial freedom, world-domination or just a more comfortable way of life? Whatever your goals and ambitions are, just about …
Firing a friend
Have you ever had to fire a friend? If you employ people then it’s quite natural to establish friendships over time and even though you may be their boss and try to retain a level of professional …
Why you need a business plan
Business plans are time consuming. They’re hard work, need a lot of research and feel like a chore. So, can you avoid writing one? Unfortunately, if you’re serious about your business and want it to …
How good are you at relationships?
It doesn’t really matter what kind of business you are in, it’s common knowledge that it costs a lot more to find new customers than to retain existing ones. As entrepreneurs we tend to put in plenty …
Top 3 mistakes that new business owners make
All entrepreneurs make mistakes. When starting a new business, it’s easy to get caught up in the enthusiasm of the venture and not give the due care and attention to factors that will be critical for …
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Know your limitations
As business owners we all know that we have to wear many hats in our day-to-day lives. We have to be sales people, marketers, administrators, customer service representatives as well as husbands, …